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Josoor Institute

Josoor Institute has opened registration ahead of the fifth year of its flagship Professional Diploma Programmes in Sports and Major Events Management, which will welcome delegates to commence their studies in February 2021.

Delivered in collaboration with SDA Bocconi School of Management, the programmes combine best practices from the sports business world and academic rigour, with the goal of developing the expertise and skill sets of industry professionals to deliver the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ and other major events, over six one-week study blocks throughout the year.

The programmes are designed to enhance the knowledge of young professionals seeking to pursue a job in sports and major events management, as well as mature professionals keen to advance their careers. All the lectures and activities are delivered in English, with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic.

Josoor Institute and SDA Bocconi will guarantee delivery of the programmes and the continuity of the delegates’ educational experience even if the COVID-19 pandemic prevents faculty and participants from physically gathering in Doha.

Afraa Al Noaimi, Executive Director at Josoor Institute, said: “Our journey continues steadily with the new edition of the Diploma Programme in Sports and Events Management. My colleagues and I look forward to soon welcoming our new delegates, from Qatar and beyond, in 2021.”

She added: “As we enter the fifth year of our professional diploma programmes, we will continue to work closely with SDA Bocconi School of Management to deliver a unique programme that will set our delegates up for professional success.”

Earlier this year, Josoor Institute successfully switched to online delivery mode during the COVID-19 outbreak. Three week-long blocks of the programmes have been delivered online, combining virtual classes with group work in Zoom breakout rooms, in-class discussion, case studies and talks by high-profile guest speakers. Delegates’ feedback captured through comprehensive surveys confirmed the quality of the distance learning experience and their satisfaction with the programme’s content, delivery, faculty and guest speakers.

Professor Dino Ruta, Academic Director of Diploma Programmes and Professor of Practice of Leadership & Sport Management at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, said: “SDA Bocconi will consolidate the innovation brought in the previous cohorts in terms of content, speakers and learning activities. Our global network of leaders coming from sports and events industries is strong and it has been growing for 20 years. With two programmes interconnected where events are at the base of the value-creation process of many industries, from sport and entertainment, to arts and culture."

Click here to watch a short video interview with Afraa Al Noaimi and Professor Dino Ruta, as they further explain the context and content of both courses.

Interested applicants are welcome to attend Josoor Institute’s open house online event on 20 October at 3 PM Doha time (GMT+3) via: https://josoorinstitute-qa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckdumorj4iGtZ3E_MkyA6edjJdTvkCt913

Representatives from Josoor Institute will be giving more details about the programme, while also answering questions live.

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognised by Qatar is the minimum academic credential required to apply for admission. For more information visit: https://www.josoorinstitute.qa/education/professional-diploma-programme