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Generation Amazing was introduced to Hadeel Athamnah when she was just 14-years old.

Looking for a community programme to become involved in, the curious youngster applied to become a GA ambassador and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be involved in the first FIFA World Cup™ in the Middle East.

The young Jordanian's story began with a visit to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. The latest chapter was written last week when she met legendary footballer Xavi Hernandez.

The FIFA World Cup™ winning midfielder joined forces with the team delivering the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™ as he became an official ambassador for Generation Amazing, the flagship CSR programme of the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC). Through football for development workshops and visits to different Generation Amazing projects in Qatar and the Middle East, Xavi will work with schoolchildren, refugees and workers to use the power of football to inspire social change within communities.

Reflecting on the past three years, 17-year-old Hadeel said becoming involved in Generation Amazing was the best decision of her life: "I got involved in 2014. I didn't know too much about where it would take me but I knew Generation Amazing's aim was to increase the awareness of football and build leaders for the future.

"It's been a fantastic programme so far, improving the life skills of our youth. I was lucky enough to be one of the youths who had the criteria to be involved in the programme. It helped my self-esteem and allowed me to build my own team in the community. It improves my communications skills with others and improved my self-esteem. It has been a fantastic programme."

Even in Hadeel's wildest dreams, she could not have imagined the effect Generation Amazing would have on her.

Most people would crumble at the sight of F.C. Barcelona legend Xavi. Most would reach for the phones just for the chance of a selfie with a FIFA World Cup™ winner. Most people in Jordan did as Xavi-hysteria swept through Amman.

But Hadeel – and every GA ambassador who met him – could not have been more different.

As the football drills were held in Inspiration Hall on Thursday in Al Baqa'a refugee camp, all they wanted to do was kick a ball and demonstrate the impact of the programme.

When Xavi arrived at a special training session organised at a local school the next morning, again all the kids wanted was to share their experiences, play football and savour the moment.

The calmness they showed in the presence of a great, the authority with which they delivered these football sessions, demonstrated the strength and character of a group of teenagers who are taking every opportunity to be part of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™.

Hadeel added: "There is no way I would have thought this programme would have the effect it has had until now. I could not have imagined what has happened. Something inside of me has changed because of this programme. I am a better person now because of it but it still surprises me. It's completely surreal to have had Xavi here, a total honour. We were all happy and so excited when he turned up. It was a huge moment for all of the players."

"We couldn't believe he was here with us, taking part in the training sessions and talking to us about how important football is. It was very special. We've been getting messages from the other Generation Ambassadors that they couldn't believe Xavi was here in Jordan. Maybe we can all come together soon and do something all of us together."

If there was to be a cherry on top of the Generation Amazing cake for Hadeel, it was to be the fact this event took place against the backdrop of the U-17s FIFA Women's World Cup – the first time the tournament has been held in the Middle East.

She added: "I think for us it has been a special week for this to happen, especially with the FIFA U-17s Women's World Cup. It was an honour for us to have this tournament here. It's the first time we've experienced it so it's historic. It promotes and encourages girls to play football which is something special for all of us. We want to make the most of that opportunity."

NGO Right to Play partners SC in delivering Generation Amazing in Jordan.