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The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) outlined security preparations for the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ during the fifth annual meeting of the Ministry of Interior's Establishments and Authorities Security Department (EASD) and private security companies in Qatar.

During the meeting, Jassim Al Kaabi, the SC's Director of National Security, gave a presentation concerning the role private security companies play during major sporting events.

Al Kaabi underscored the importance of collaboration between local security stakeholders as Qatar prioritises hosting a safe and secure tournament in 2022.

Al Kaabi added: "It is important we enhance the skills of all our stakeholders as we aim to ensure the safety and security of fans, players and officials during the tournament.

"We must continue to work closely to overcome any threats that Qatar may encounter during the build-up and hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup."

Brigadier General Jassim Mohammad Al Hail, Assistant Head of EASD, stressed the important role meetings such as this play in ensuring Qatar's security forces are fully prepared ahead of the tournament. He said the mega-event will attract millions of visitors from across the world – something which will present a variety of security challenges.

Major Hussain Hamza, Head of the Private Security Companies Department at EASD, also stressed the important role private security companies will play in 2022, and the importance of ensuring they are fully equipped with the necessary skills to be able to positively contribute towards a safe and secure tournament.

The meeting reviewed the security strategies adopted at major sports events, including the 2014 and 2018 editions of the FIFA World Cup™, identifying areas for improvement and ways in which best practices from them can be applied towards Qatar's strategy in 2022.