In December 2015, a brand new football pitch named Pitch of Goals was officially opened in the Al-Shameyeh region in southern Jordan as part of the SC's international arm of the Generation Amazing programme. Due to pressure from the community, no girls attended the opening event and female beneficiaries were not included in the programme. No one could have imagined that one year later girls would have taken their place on the same pitch.
Since the launch event, Generation Amazing has been delivering Football for Development sessions that reach an estimated 300 children and young people per week, through Right To Play (RTP), its strategic and implementing partner in Jordan. Until recently, it was expected that 100% of these beneficiaries would be boys. However, thanks to the work to increase understanding of Generation Amazing and to raise awareness on female participation in sports, the pitch has turned into a real hub, owned and protected by its residents.
Al-Shameyeh is an area populated by conservative Bedouin families, and after the programme gained trust and acceptance from the community, some parents allowed their daughters to participate in a Generation Amazing football play day on the pitch. The girls that set foot on the pitch for the first time that day have paved the way for 65 more since to participate in regular Football for Development activities. And the number is growing.
Two such participants and Generation Amazing leaders are 12-year-old Sara and Mecca,ten, both of whom live in Al-Shameyeh. Sara said: "I used to play football on our balcony which is about two square meters. I was always worried that someone would see me play and therefore tried to hide my love and passion for football."
She continued: "The day I entered the pitch for the first time felt like a dream coming true. I never thought that my parents would allow me to play football in an open space. But they did which makes me truly happy. Now I will come every day and convince many girls to join the training sessions. I also feel safe on the pitch because the boys are guarding and sharing it with their sisters."
Mecca, who belongs to one of the biggest Bedouin families in the area, said: "I used to play football in our small garden by myself. When I accessed the Generation Amazing pitch for the first time, I thought I was only allowed to walk on it not play.
"I was so afraid that boys would come and send me back home. I believe that many people now understand that we girls also have the same right as boys to play in this area. I already have made a lot of new friends through playing football."
For Sara and Mecca, a dream came true and more and more parents are requesting whether their daughters can participate in Generation Amazing activities.
The Mokthar of Al-Shameyeh, the local Bedouin leader, supports Generation Amazing and praised and how it's helping local children and youth.
"Parents would go watch their kids play football on the Pitch of Goals, with residents of Al-Shameyeh from many of the different tribes of Jordan being there in the same place for the first time," he said.
When asked about reasons for the changes in behaviour, Coaches answered that they were both encouraged and inspired by the Generation Amazing trainings from Right To Play through which they gained new skills and inclusive attitudes.
Fatma Al-Nuaimi, SC Communications Director, recognises the importance of sport, and particularly football in helping girls to realise their full potential: "The impact this project has had in Jordan in the past 12 months demonstrates the power of football and the effectiveness of our Generation Amazing programme."
She added: "Gender inclusivity is hugely important to us at the SC and forms a central pillar of the Generation Amazing programme so it's great to see so many young women from the local community getting involved and an increased awareness of the benefits of female participation in sport with local parents and wider community members."
"We're sure Al-Shameyeh and other communities around the world will continue to benefit from the Generation Amazing programme and we look forward to expanding it into new countries in 2017."
Meanwhile, Right To Play staff member, Zeid Adarbeh said, "since the day the maintenance committee was established, it has gone above and beyond its mission of spreading the word of the importance of sport as a tool for development, raising awareness on gender equality and girls' rights and strengthening the concept of community ownership every time the pitch was accessed by the community. This has brought about a transformation in the community from resisting the project to leading it."
Generation Amazing continues to use the power of football to connect girls with vital information, skills and strategies to achieve their aspirations and to push for equality.