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The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) Youth Panel 2015 group have concluded their one year run with a visit to Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). 35 young residents of Qatar who joined the Youth Panel 12 months ago have learned about different aspects of preparations for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™.

During their visit to HMC they learned about the services delivered there and their expansion plans from now until 2030, with Hamad Hospital being one of the biggest hospitals in the world based on bed numbers. The SC Youth Panel members were informed also about nutrition and the steps HMC is taking within the community to address the health challenges resulting from poor diet and lack of exercise. The day also involved first aid training and a visit to the helipad where the air ambulance crew were on hand to answer questions on their plans for supporting the community during the 2022 FIFA World Cup™.

Ahmed Shosha, Project Manager at HMC, said: "Investing in the future generations is one of the most important principles of a good community. As they learn and develop from the past they will develop a better future. They will one day sit in the seats of their tutors and move forward with developing the country and society."

"The SC Youth Panel is a great initiative from the SC as they give the youth first-hand information that will become embedded in their memories as they become engaged in the activities. They also develop a better understanding of how different sectors within the society work together to serve the community and witness how things are actually done," he added.

For SC Youth Panel member Dana Hassan from Palestine, the workshop was "a great opportunity to learn more about basic life support and first aid. It was also great to see the ambulance from the inside and how it is very modern with its new technology and how they use this technology with their patients."

Meanwhile, Garret Vissaya from the United States reflected on his year with the SC Youth Panel and what he has learned thus far. "It was upsetting knowing that a full year has gone and our time as SC ambassadors was ending. However, our last session was very informative and the presentation was interactive, especially the CPR training."

He added: "We were also given the opportunity to go into an ambulance and helicopter. In my opinion, the session gave us insight of how we can become healthier individuals and how emergency services will be conducted during the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It was one of the most heart-wrenching moments knowing our time was over, but we made a difference as ambassadors."

Khalid Al Jumaily, SC Community Engagement Manager, encouraged young residents of Qatar to enroll in the SC Youth Panel 2016, a programme that will see them accompany the development of the proposed host venues all the way through to completion, as well as influence their legacy use thereafter.

He said: "Recruitment has already begun. This year we will have two groups, one delivering workshops in Arabic and one in English, with a maximum of 35 members each. Join us if you live in Qatar, are between 15 and 21 years old and are passionate about contributing to the World Cup."